Arkansas Judiciary John Dan Kemp Chief Justice Position 1 |
Arkansas Judiciary John Dan Kemp Chief Justice Position 1 |
In total, there were 133 active legal licenses recorded in the county at the time, compared to 131 in the previous month.
The highest number of licenses were granted in Fort Smith (123).
Lawyers in good standing do not have any complaints or disciplinary actions being taken against them.
Arkansas has one of the fewest lawyers per capita in the country, with an average of 2.2 legal professionals for every 1,000 residents or almost half the national ratio of 4 per 1000.
As of June 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in the state is around $93,406 per year, which is below the national average.
The United States has around 1.3 million attorneys, with the lawyer population projected to grow by 8% between 2022 and 2032.
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.
Lawyer Name | Bar Number | Date of Admission |
Aaron Christopher Rooney | 2023060 | 04/19/2023 |
Alan Shane Roughley | 95201 | 08/28/1995 |
Alex Andrew Gustafson | 2017210 | 09/18/2017 |
Alexander Leon Wyrick | 2020285 | 10/28/2020 |
Allen Wade Coggins | 94099 | 05/06/1994 |
Amanda Cox Rasavong | 2007227 | 09/12/2007 |
Andrew Alex Flake | 92174 | 09/01/1992 |
Aubrey Laurel Barr | 2010170 | 09/10/2010 |
Aundrea Stone Hanna | 2017264 | 12/06/2017 |
Bailey Joseph Riggs | 2023185 | 09/15/2023 |
Barrett Ann Milam | 2007208 | 09/10/2007 |
Benjamin H. Shipley | 80130 | 08/29/1980 |
Benjamin W. Wulff | 2005190 | 09/12/2005 |
Bradley Hull | 2017126 | 09/07/2017 |
Brian J. Shepherd | 2013267 | 09/26/2013 |
Brinkley Beecher Cook-Campbell | 2015236 | 09/17/2015 |
Bruce Allen Denney | 76030 | 09/01/1976 |
Bruce Hollis Bethell | 74009 | 09/09/1974 |
Charles Grant Purdy | 93029 | 03/29/1993 |
Christina Marie Scherrey | 2006238 | 09/15/2006 |
Christopher DeWitt Brockett | 2005192 | 09/12/2005 |
Colby T. Roe | 2009163 | 09/11/2009 |
Coy Joe Rush | 75109 | 03/31/1975 |
Dakota Rogers DeMaris | 2023153 | 09/13/2023 |
Dalton J. Person | 2016205 | 09/16/2016 |
Daniel Wayne Gilbreath | 89141 | 08/23/1989 |
Danny Walter McCarter | 2009231 | 09/30/2009 |
David Charles Gean | 90126 | 08/28/1990 |
David Clay Wilkerson Fowlkes | 2003191 | 09/25/2003 |
David Lawrence Borland | 95030 | 03/21/1995 |
David Parke Saxon | 73106 | 04/02/1973 |
Deborah Cooksey Avillion | 86202 | 08/26/1986 |
DeeAnna Weimar | 2008216 | 09/16/2008 |
Derick A. J. Allison | 2007214 | 09/11/2007 |
Devon Joy Still | 2005257 | 09/26/2005 |
Diane Dy Doh | 2020174 | 09/14/2020 |
Dianna Lee Hewitt Ladd | 2001052 | 04/09/2001 |
Elisabeth Murphy McGee | 91019 | 04/01/1991 |
Elizabeth Joyce Armstrong | 2012266 | 09/24/2012 |
Elliott Leland Clegg | 79036 | 08/30/1979 |
Eric L. Pendergrass | 2006218 | 09/13/2006 |
Erin Cassidy Rambo | 2023259 | 10/06/2023 |
Ethan McShane Bridgforth | 2024202 | 09/12/2024 |
Eugene A. Wahl | 79132 | 03/27/1979 |
Frederick Lee Caddell | 82028 | 09/13/1982 |
Gunner R. Delay | 88091 | 08/25/1988 |
Harry Albers Foltz | 65013 | 08/02/1965 |
Jack Gregory Magness | 92075 | 04/13/1992 |
Jacqueline Forsgren Mock | 2011180 | 09/08/2011 |
James Cash Haaser | 83080 | 09/06/1983 |
James E. Shoffey | 51040 | 06/11/1951 |
James Edward O'Hern | 80108 | 09/08/1980 |
James Michael Cogbill | 71015 | 08/06/1971 |
James Mitchell Llewellyn | 66040 | 08/01/1966 |
James Randall McGinnis | 85105 | 09/05/1985 |
James Robert Filyaw | 75042 | 04/09/1975 |
Janet L. Bledsoe | 92137 | 08/28/1992 |
Janice West Whitt | 78162 | 08/31/1978 |
Jay William Kutchka | 96010 | 03/26/1996 |
Jerrald Norman Jenkins | 94039 | 03/31/1994 |
Jerry Ray Irvin | 79168 | 04/04/1979 |
Joe Hamilton McCutchen | 88045 | 03/29/1988 |
John E. Joplin | 86098 | 09/05/1986 |
John Randolph Shock | 83158 | 08/25/1983 |
Joshua W. Bugeja | 2010211 | 09/17/2010 |
Kathryn A. Stocks | 91116 | 08/27/1991 |
Kathryn Lynn Pratt Guhman | 2024206 | 10/04/2024 |
Keith M. Blythe | 90106 | 08/27/1990 |
Kelly Ann Procter-Pierce | 89073 | 03/29/1989 |
Kenneth P. Elser | 89184 | 08/29/1989 |
Kenneth Wayne Cowan | 83044 | 08/25/1983 |
Kevin Lee Hickey | 2000182 | 12/22/2000 |
Kyra Elizabeth Jenner | 2000041 | 04/11/2000 |
Laura Ida Asbury | 2005132 | 09/06/2005 |
Leigh Tompkins Zuerker | 95086 | 04/06/1995 |
Lisa Antoinette Roam | 2021165 | 09/09/2021 |
Lydia Trieu Whetstone | 2009226 | 09/28/2009 |
Mackenzie Danielle Sears | 2021200 | 09/14/2021 |
Maddox Elizabeth Hernandez | 2024199 | 09/12/2024 |
Marvin J. Honeycutt | 89032 | 03/21/1989 |
Mary Shannon Foster | 95167 | 08/23/1995 |
Matthew Eugene Weisenfels | 2013164 | 09/11/2013 |
Matthew J. Vonnahme | 2020198 | 09/14/2020 |
Matthew John Ketcham | 92240 | 09/09/1992 |
Megen Chronister Prewitt | 2007055 | 04/12/2007 |
Meredith Anne LaFreniere | 2012197 | 09/10/2012 |
Michael Alan LaFreniere | 2013186 | 09/12/2013 |
Michael C. Daily | 2005223 | 09/16/2005 |
Michael Lee Ellig | 74045 | 04/08/1974 |
Michael R. Johns | 83093 | 08/22/1983 |
Natalie Smittle | 2014043 | 04/11/2014 |
Nathan Ellis Roop | 2009122 | 09/09/2009 |
Noah Michael Strom | 2011263 | 09/21/2011 |
Patrick Fitzgerald Flake | 96039 | 03/29/1996 |
Patrick Nathan Cardamone | 2012275 | 09/25/2012 |
Paul Kinloch Holmes | 78073 | 08/24/1978 |
Paul Mack Shaver | 65053 | 03/31/1965 |
Phillip Lee Votaw | 2000163 | 09/21/2000 |
Rafael Nathan Quimbo | 2024260 | 09/18/2024 |
Reid Austin Wheeler | 2022190 | 09/19/2022 |
Richard Henry Strunks | 95159 | 08/23/1995 |
Richard Lee Spearman | 79259 | 08/31/1979 |
Robert Charles Marquette | 74097 | 09/06/1974 |
Robert Charles McClure | 2010157 | 09/09/2010 |
Robert Evans Hornberger | 72058 | 04/12/1972 |
Robert Milton Honea | 83089 | 09/06/1983 |
Robert R. Cloar | 72025 | 09/11/1972 |
Ronald Scott Zuerker | 94129 | 08/24/1994 |
Ronald W. Ocker | 85120 | 03/27/1985 |
Sarah Michelle Ridgley | 2006195 | 09/11/2006 |
Seritha LeeAnn Twist | 2005210 | 09/15/2005 |
Seth Tyler Creed | 2010176 | 09/13/2010 |
Shala J. Klutts-Espina | 2000058 | 04/21/2000 |
Shannon Lea Blatt | 98116 | 08/26/1998 |
Shaun Matthew McCaffrey | 87113 | 08/27/1987 |
Sherri Cunningham Karber | 79048 | 08/27/1979 |
Skyler Spaulding Tate | 2024184 | 09/11/2024 |
Sonya Mattingly | 93123 | 08/27/1993 |
Spencer Garrison Dougherty | 2020177 | 09/14/2020 |
Stephen Napurano | 2017071 | 04/24/2017 |
Stephen M. Sharum | 73107 | 08/30/1973 |
Stephen M. Tabor | 81152 | 09/03/1981 |
Tarja Cajudo | 2018190 | 09/26/2018 |
Thomas A. Daily | 70019 | 08/05/1970 |
Timothy Jacob Scarbrough | 2023087 | 05/09/2023 |
Tyler Evan Entz | 2023084 | 05/02/2023 |
Whitfield W. Hyman | 2013237 | 09/20/2013 |
William Bennett Wiggins | 66067 | 08/01/1966 |
William J. Kropp | 88127 | 08/24/1988 |
William Spencer Vereen | 2020236 | 09/17/2020 |
William Steven Estell | 2012006 | 01/20/2012 |
William Tyson McDougal | 2022254 | 09/21/2022 |
Ziad Masri | 2006292 | 09/28/2006 |